Sunday Lunch Project@Lions Befrienders Ghim Moh - November '13

On 10th November, our Metro Leos joined the Sunday lunch project at Lions Befrienders (Ghim Moh). In conjunction with the OSEAL Leo Conference held on 9th November, overseas Leos were invited to join us for this activity to experience the local service activity. We were glad to have Leo Vanilla from Leo Club of Georgetown Central and Leos from Leo Club of Temasek Junior College with us.

It was a heart-warming afternoon, in which we served home-cooked food to the elderly and had small talks with them. Our heartiest thanks to all the Leos who volunteered their time and we hope to serve more lunches to the elderly in the future.

Thank you to the Leos and Lions in Singapore for giving me such a great opportunity to visit the elderly and get involved in this meaningful project. It was a brand new experience to me, before this, I didn't think of the idea of gathering the elderly together and serving them in such a meaningful and effective way. This project gives me new insight into service and the kind of activity that we can organize for the elderly back in Malaysia. I am very thankful for the opportunity to learn while serving.
- Leo Vanilla Teoh 


If you are interested in viewing more photos from this event, do visit our Album on our Facebook Page at the following link: OSEAL Leo Conference 2013 - Fellowship & Service Activities!