About Us

Who are we?
We are a community service club, set up with the aim of allowing a group of like-minded individuals to come together to help less fortunate members of our society.

Leadership. Experience. Opportunity.

We are a group of young and enthusiastic volunteers who are keen to reach out to serve the needy in the society. We organize events regularly for the benefit of the less fortunate, to brighten their lives. With each small contribution, we believe that we can collectively help to make our society a better place, while making new friends and having fun at the same time.
To like-minded people who feel that you have the passion to serve as well, we welcome you to join us!

The Leo Club of Singapore Metropolitan was chartered on 22 November 1997, under the sponsorship of the Lions Club of Singapore Metropolitan. As an Omega Leo Club, our members comprise mostly of tertiary students and young working adults between 18-30 years' of age.
Visit our sister club, Leo Club of Hong Kong (Host)'s website at http://www.leohosthk.org/.

The Leo Club Program
The Leo Club Program is an official program of Lions Clubs International. We are amongst more than 150,000 young people in 139 countries who are proud to serve others in their local communities and to call themselves Leos.