16th Induction and Installation Ceremony - August '13

Leo Club of Singapore Metropolitan's 16th Induction and Installation ceremony was successfully held on 3rd August 2013 at LHE (TPY). It was a joyous occasion to celebrate the many memorable and meaningful club events and accomplishments from our past fiscal year (FY 2012/13), as well as to welcome the new fiscal year (FY2013/14) with the induction of new members and installation of the new Board of Directors.

Congratulation to our newly inducted Leos, the Board of Directors and the recipients of the Lions Young Leaders in Service Awards!

With "Apprec16tion" as this year's theme, we took the opportunity to show our appreciation to everyone who have built and helped our club to what it is today. In the new fiscal year, our club will continue to strive and serve the community to the best of our abilities! Many thanks to our supportive Lions, fellow Leos from Singapore and Malaysia, volunteers and friends for gracing our event!

Our 16th I&I door gift
The Board of Directors (FY2013/14)

The Lions and Leos of Singapore Metropolitan
Fellow Leos from Singapore and Malaysia
Wonderful live performance by Leo Yufei and his friend, Matthew

Post-event delicious meal with Leos from Malaysia

If you are interested in viewing more photos from this event, do visit our Album on our Facebook Page at the following link: Leo Club of Singapore Metropolitan's 16th Induction and Installation 2013