On 11 November 2012, Leo Club of Singapore Metropolitan invited fellow Singapore Leos to join us in promoting education on Diabetes.
Diabetes is one of the top chronic diseases that Singaporeans suffer from. In order to increase awareness of this disease, the Diabetes Society Singapore organises World Diabetes Day annually. It is imperative for Singaporeans to know more about Diabetes and the ways to lower our risk of contracting this irreversible disease. The Diabetic Society of Singapore organised World Diabetes Day 2012 with the theme "Diabetes: Protect Our Future - The Right Education for All".
The event included educational talks and exhibitions by medical professionals to raise awareness of Diabetes, free health and eye checks, as well as interactive activities to engage participants. Participants for this event received 1st hand information and knowledge on Diabetes and its prevention methods, and more meaningfully, volunteers was able to help elderly and the public gain more knowledge about their body conditions, especially their Body Mass Index (BMI), which is an important indicator of one's health.
Leos and volunteers assisted as ushers and booth assistants from 8.30am till 3pm. A great thank you to Metro Leos (Tiong Hui, Tih Yong, Yu Fei), Leos from Leo Club of Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary School (Suzanne, Pei Fang, Pei Fang), Leos from Leo Club of SG Alumni (Bobby, Jessica) and volunteers (Jeni, Nydia).
To view more photos, visit our Facebook page at Leo Club of Singapore Metropolitan @ World Diabetes Day 2012